We have many new technologies available to us these days. The days of oil are really over for the world. Oil is no longer a useful resource. It has polluted our seas and air for over a century. As the article above explains we have many people working to find and manufacture the new technologies that will replace oil. It also details the methodologies which are not working for us. The most telling thing in this article is that Henry Ford bought electric cars for members of his family. Yes, they were around back then. He also was working on an electrical vehicle with Edison. The things we once used it for are being done better by other energy sources. These resources are non-polluting and constantly renewable. Ford has gone to the front of the new technologies by devoting an old auto plant to a renewable energy device manufacturing plant. Bloom Energy has developed an energy source which works on the gases in the air we breathe. Google, Ebay and other big companies are using it to power up their office buildings.
There are many technologies available to power up our transportation systems for us to use in cars, trucks and planes. These technologies have been available to us for thousands of years. Our forefathers have used them for many purposes. Sources like wind and water have been used extensively for many areas of industry. Water power made it possible to run mills and factories. Wind made it possible for farmers to pump water out of the ground. If oil had not made it possible for us to make cars and vehicles cheaply we would have found ways to use renewable technologies to our advantage. Now we are in a mess because we were so fast to use oil. Other sources of energy like coal and nuclear are also dangerous. We already know that nuclear can cause many dangerous situations from meltdown’s and leakage. Coal is an environmental disaster. Mining companies are now denuding mountain tops and still befouling the air we breathe. We should remember that coal miners get black lung disease from working in mines. Some of the new fuel technologies are based on hydrogen, ethanol, solar, water and some work is being done on solar powered cars.
We already use solar in our calculators. Hydrogen filling stations are being built in California. Electric cars are starting to make inroads into the mind sets of owners. Many homeowners are converting to solar power. Adding solar panels to houses’s roof can provide enough energy to power up pretty much any device a consumer wants to use.
The days of oils rule are over. A lot of companies, both nationally and internationally, are moving ahead on windmills and other renewable energies. Even the company which gave us the internal combustion engine is moving into renewable energy. Ford has sold their closed Wixom plant to a pair of renewable energy development companies. They realize that we are pursuing an unrealizable future if we stay with oil.
When Henry Ford gave the world internal combustion there were others who had invented electric cars and cars which ran on steam. Some of the inventors back then had a better vision than did Ford. Henry Ford just priced his cars to sell at the lowest price possible. Oil has destroyed many environments and made some unsavory people rich. These people take our money and use it to try to destroy our country. The recent oil disaster in the gulf has taught us that we must get away from oil.
Oil has also contributed its share of permanent waste in our land fills in the plastics we use which will stay forever solid in our dumps and land fills. Before oil made plastics possible we used many other materials in our manufacturing of consumer goods. Many people say that plastics have made our lives easier. But we live easier under the cloud of future oil disasters and environmental pollution. Some people swear that plastics have improved our lives in every way possible. But for those supposed improvements we pay a very high price ecologically.
Yes oil has led to some pollution in the world, but it amazes me how a small group of people think they have the right to tell the rest of us how to live. The alternatives are way to expensive for someone like me and many others to afford. So I would like anyone to tell me what they want me to give up in order to accomplish this. Please, do I stop buying food, or quit heating my home. Yes these are the real decisions I am faced with, because your solutions are way to expensive for me to afford. The government spent a hundred million dollars to convert a military base. It will save a million dollars a year. With upkeep and replacements it will never pay for itself.